API Support & FAQ
Updating Project Priority
7 months ago by Patricia Dias
I'm fetching a project and trying to update it's relativePriority.
var project = await GetItemByIdAsync(projectId);
project.RelativePriority = new RelativePriority{
Type = position,
Id = relativeProjectId
await UpdateItemAsync(project);
I'm getting the following error:
{"errors":[{"title":"Message Not Readable","detail":"Instantiation of [simple type, class com.liquidplanner.backend.api.v1.item.dto.ApiRelativePriority] value failed for JSON property type due to missing (therefore NULL) value for creator parameter type which is a non-nullable type","status":400,"code":"message_not_readable","meta":{"propertyName":"relativePriority.type"}}]}
This is RelativePriority class I created for deserializing the json:
public class RelativePriority
public int? Id { get; set; }
public string Type { get; set; } // options are "before", "after", "top", "bottom"
I deserialized the json payload before it's sending via API to verify that data is being passed correctly:
What am I missing or doing wrong? Any insight is appreciated.