The API for LiquidPlanner New
This documentation is for LiquidPlanner New:
Which LiquidPlanner Version are you using?
Before getting started with the API, it's important to confirm that you are accessing the right documentation for your account.
This documentation is for LiquidPlanner New: If your account is on LiquidPlanner Classic ( please go to the API Documentation for LiquidPlanner Classic.
What do you need to start using the API?
To get started with the API you need an active member account in a LiquidPlanner New workspace. We recommend that you create a new workspace within the existing Organization for your initial API experimentation and testing. This way you won’t disturb your production data (or other users of your production workspace). With a workspace dedicated to API testing you can work with a small, controlled set of data and easily clean up (or start over) if things go sideways.
The API is included for Organizations with a paid ULTIMATE Plan.
Within the workspace, API Access is located under Administration in the left-side navigation. The API Access button is disabled for workspaces that do not have the API enabled.
If you don’t already have a LiquidPlanner New account, click here to sign up.
Next, you’ll need to enable an API Token from your workspace in LiquidPlanner New to authenticate your API requests. An Org Admin can generate an API token by navigating to Administration > API Access.
When passing the Authorization header in your API request, be sure to prefix your token with the keyword, “Bearer” like this:
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <Your Token here>’
See Authentication and Authorization to learn more about managing API Tokens.
What can you use the API for?
- Add new plan items (Package, Project & Sub-Folder, Task, Assignment)
- Update existing plan items (Package, Project & Sub-Folder, Task, Assignment)
- Fetch data about plan items in JSON format (Package, Project & Sub-Folder, Task, Assignment)
- Fetch logged time entries in JSON format
- Log time to an assignment and include an optional timesheet note
- Download Timesheet Export data into an Excel file
- Download Project, Task or Assignment Grid data into an Excel file
- Create and manage Billing and Pay Rates
Updated 10 months ago