Users: Members, Resources, Placeholders

This documentation is for LiquidPlanner New:

In the API, users are workspace members, resources and placeholders. Request user information through the API and receive a response in JSON format.

  • Get a list of all users from workspaces you have access to
  • Request the user list for a single workspace
  • Get details about a specific user

Supported Methods


Sample Response

    "recordLimit": 500,
    "recordCount": 1,
    "data": [
            "id": 10702,
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Doe",
            "lockedAccount": false,
            "lastAccessedAt": "2022-08-24T19:17:23Z",
            "username": "JohnD",
            "status": "active",
            "userType": "member",
            "workspaces": [

Filter Options

Apply the filter string to the endpoint URL.

Filter attributeField typeDescriptionFilter stringNote
idnumberPull details about a specific user with their ID?id[is]="122"Response includes their workspace list and user status
emailstringPull details about a specific user by user’s email address?email[is]=”[email protected]Resources and Placeholders do not have an email address
firstNamestringPull details about a specific user by user’s first name?firstName[is]=”John”This is an optional field for Resources. We recommend establishing a naming convention if you would like to interact with the Resource User type via the API
lastNamestringPull details about a specific user by user’s last name?lastName[is]=”Doe”This is an optional field for Resources. We recommend establishing a naming convention if you would like to interact with the Resource User type via the API
lockedAccountbooleanPull a list of users whose accounts are locked?lockedAccount[is]=”true”Users have three days to confirm their email address or they are locked out
lastAccessedAtdateTimePull a list of users by the date on which they last signed in?lastAccessedAt[before]="2022-04-21T01:01:46Z"
userTypeenum string (member, resource, placeholder)Pull a list of users by their type?userType[in]=["resource", "placeholder"]Values are case sensitive
statusenum string (active, disconnected)Pull a list of active or disconnected members in an org?status[is]="active"Values are case sensitive
workspaceIdnumberPull a list of users with the assigned workspace ID?workspaceId[is]="123"